Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Creative Killer

It has been heard by experts in art and writing and ministry say that "busy" is the killer of creativity.  My response would be a slight shrug and "eh" of agreement.  Never has there been such a tangible example for me as the 7 food fast.  Beginning this month, there were grand ideas of what I would make with my 7 foods.  I scoured the internet, searched recipes, replaced ingredients, devised my own concoctions, set out weekly menus and made my shopping list (that was easy).  There was going to be rice dishes, smothered chicken, chicken and dumplings, and more.  But "busy" is the creative killer.

I have eaten the same basic thing almost every day b/c it is quick and easy;  oil in pan, green pepper in pan, chicken in pan, salt and pepper, slap in tortilla; oil in pan, green pepper in pan, chicken in pan, salt and pepper, slap in tortilla; oil in pan, green pepper in pan, chicken in pan, salt and pepper, slap in tortilla.

Quick and easy.  It makes me wonder how many things in my life are simply done the quick and easy way.  How much am I depriving God the glory by quick and easy, how many of God's blessings am I missing by quick and easy, how am I depriving others divine moments b/c of quick and easy.

I have been most fearful about media month in this 7 months of fasting from excess.  But, I actually am looking forward to it.  Perhaps, by cutting out a bit of the noise, the attention nabber, I will slow down and embellish in some creativity.  B/c I am obviously so dependent on busy, the month that may hurt the most is Sabbath.

Fear the Sabbath.  There is some creativity waiting in it.

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